Success Story: AlignLife® Chiropractic Franchise | Florida Capital Bank-正规买球APP下载
AlignLife Franchise _Jon Dandridge


Jon Dandridge grew up in the Northeast Florida community, 他最早的一些记忆是皇冠正版APP下载支持当地一家提供脊椎按摩服务的小企业.

Jon was first exposed to chiropractic care at the age of 8, 并在12岁左右成为一名定期患者,以保持脊柱和神经系统的健康. Throughout his youth, 他发现保养护理帮助他保持健康,并能在竞技体育中发挥出最佳水平. 乔恩在大学和职业棒球方面都取得了非常成功的职业生涯. He attributes his success as an athlete, in large part, to the consistent chiropractic care he received.

“Now that I look back, 我确信,我之所以能有今天的事业,一定程度上是因为我一生都在照顾别人,” Jon recalled. “这有助于保持我的身体,让我做好承受体力活动压力的准备. It kept me healthy. That’s a big concern for athletes; with the wrong injury, you can end your career forever.”

After leaving the sport in 2011, Jon felt a void. He wanted a career that would allow him to serve others and connect with his community; he also wanted the flexibility to travel the world alongside his wife, Adelle, who immigrated to the United States from her home country of Brazil. “I played around with a number of ideas, and fell on chiropractic. It helped me when I was in sports, and if I could do that for someone else, that would make me feel fulfilled and happy,” Jon said.

While completing his education, 乔恩和阿黛尔与来自世界各地的一小群医生一起进行了一次脊椎按摩任务之旅,为有需要的人提供护理. 在那次旅行中,这对夫妇萌生了回馈全球的愿望. They organized a mission trip to Brazil in December 2019, 这是非常成功的,因为乔恩和其他来自世界各地的脊椎按摩师聚集在一起帮助别人. 这对夫妇知道他们想要独立和灵活地计划未来的活动.

找到一个理解他们愿景的当地银行合作伙伴是AlignLife®推出的关键组成部分. 乔恩和阿黛尔希望得到一个真正理解他们愿景的贷款人的支持, as well as their target market. Florida Capital Bank was their first choice; in addition to providing all of the services their new business would require, 该银行的领导和员工共同承诺支持当地社区.

The couple worked with Florida Capital Bank to apply for an SBA loan, 帮助他们在杰克逊维尔的Julington Creek地区的一个受欢迎的零售中心找到了一席之地. 他们于2020年1月推出了这项皇冠正版APP下载,在办公室扩建期间,在附近的水疗中心和健身房提供脊椎按摩服务.

Just as the construction process was nearing completion, 冠状病毒大流行开始在美国蔓延,这给他们盛大的开幕计划带来了意想不到的转折. Instead of feeling afraid, 这对夫妇感到更有活力的是,有机会利用他们的皇冠正版APP下载,以健康的生活方式正规买球APP下载志同道合的人.

“我们有一个疯狂的想法,认为人类真的很强壮,能够健康地生活, vibrant lives and that this is actually our default state! 生病是不正常的,表达健康才是正常的。. “我们希望聚集尽可能多的人,他们想要过上有能力的生活, and celebrate that.”

虽然这对夫妇没有预料到他们的生意会在全球大流行的背景下首次亮相, 他们有信心知道他们的银行合作伙伴离得足够近,可以亲自咨询(在安全距离之外), of course) or over the phone to provide advice, answer questions, and keep their financial affairs on track.

“Everyone should consider a community bank,” Jon advised. “Think of your lending institution as a resource. Community banks are not going to just bring you in, make the transaction and throw you out the back door; they’re able to help guide you. They helped us understand how simple the lending process can be. 这是每个企业家的关键:感觉你的梦想实际上是可行的.”